Indiana Unemployment Phone Number


Indiana residents who are unemployed or feel that they may be looking at unemployment on the horizon need to get the information on making a claim for Indiana unemployment benefits. Start with obtaining the Indiana unemployment phone number at Work One to get all the information you need to file a unemployment claim in Indiana.

The Work One unemployment phone number is 1-800-891-6499 which you can call Monday - Friday from 8:00am - 5:00pm.

Serving Boone, Hamilton, Hendricks, Hancock, Morgan, Johnson, and Shelby Counties:

Avon Express
6781 E. US 36, Suite 350
Avon, IN 46123
Phone: 317.272.2174
Fax: 317.272.7644
Mon. - Fri. 8:00a to 4:30p
Services: Employment, Workforce Investment Act

Fishers Express
10022 Lantern Rd., Suite 600
Fishers, IN 46038
Phone: 317.841.8194 or 877.674.3671
Fax: 317.841.8275
Mon. - Fri. 8:00a to 4:30p
Services: Employment, Workforce Investment Act
Unemployment Insurance: Call for an appointment 

Indiana Unemployment Phone Number


Go to your nearest WorkOne Center and file an initial claim. Make sure to take the following information with you:

Complete name and address
Social Security number
Personal identification
Your most recent employer's name and address
The dates you worked for your most recent employer
The reason you are unemployed. .

Franklin Express
600 Banta St.
Franklin, IN 46131-1665
Phone: 317.736.5531
Fax: 317.736.8402
Mon. - Fri. 8:00a to 4:30p
Services: Employment, Workforce Investment Act

This website is not affiliated with the Indiana Unemployment Office or Department.

For questions regarding your Indiana Unemployment Benefits please contact the Indiana Unemployment Phone Number Above.